Join our team and have fun, make money, and more importantly, make a difference.
Have Fun
Do you believe in taking time to enjoy the fruits of your labor? We do, too. Our group adventures have been described as “going on vacation with a few hundred of our friends.” Exotic trips are a common occurrence each year, as well as attending concerts, sporting events, team building exercises, and leadership retreats. Regardless of the activity, agents create fun and lasting memories for everyone.
Make Money
Whether you want to learn fast or slow, or work part-time or full time, there is an opportunity for a great income. You definitely will be paid well for the level of effort you put in. Some agents prefer to concentrate on writing policies, while others desire to build an independent agency. HOMEROCK Insurance accommodates either type of agent, and excels at producing people with the knack to do both. Either way, working as an agent with us is a very lucrative endeavor.
Make a Difference
People like us feel strongly about giving back to the community. It is our duty to leave this world better than we found it. Even when our agents are on a fabulous trip in an exotic location, they often make the effort to donate some of their time to a local need and provide physical labor to enhance the area. HOMEROCK Insurance truly believes in helping people and does so in various areas and ways.